Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lovely Easter weekend & my kids really dislike Scarlet O'hara.

We had a great trip home for the 4 day Easter weekend. It meant spending about 1 full day of it in a car (22 hours total) but it was worth it! We got to see our Godchildren and the boy's got to see their godmother and we watched a great baseball game with my dad and brother all on the first day. Saturday was much slower, the kids and I relaxed at Mom's house while Mike went on a search for anti-malaria meds (he left his at home) and a rain storm came through, delaying the boy's fishing trip into the afternoon. But, they had a good one and caught catfish, bass, and bluegill. S was THRILLED. Mom, K, and I hit the stores to shop for Easter stockings (as I kept calling the baskets) and whatever else struck our fancy. I was on a mission to hit the Land's End department at Sears and Hobby Lobby plus Target and Whole foods made the list. We got home to start cooking dinner (requiring 3 trips into Kroger because I forgot the list=2 trips, and 1 item didn't make the list) only to discover the boy's were fed at the fishing hole :). It's all good, the leftover's came home with us. And we began watching Gone with the Wind, which Mike had never seen.

Easter day we went to church with Mom. It's always nice attending services at the church I grew up in. Then we had what Mike labeled "the best family meal ever" at my mom's. We headed from there to visit at Mike's brother's house. We enjoyed getting to see some family, although no one wanted desert! Then it was off for another fishing trip, this time to my Aunt and Uncle's farm. They are living our dream and we love every chance to visit out there, especially when we actually get to visit with them. Extra Bonus, my cousin was there with her family and I got to play with their 8 month old son, who is absolutely adorable. The boys fished until they couldn't see and then we went home to finish Gone with the Wind. My children declared it the worst movie ever. Scarlet was a brat, mean and selfish. Ashley was a coward and cheat, and Rhett walked out on his wife. Overall the children couldn't understand why we would have them watch it. I tried to explain the cultural significance, but they didn't care. They didn't like how the people treated each other. And from that point of view I have to say they are right :).

We squeezed in a visit to my Gama Monday morning before we had to hit the road. It was quick, but we promised to come spend more time on our next visit and K found a book that my mom had given Gama for her to fill out about her life. K was quite disappointed to discover that it was still blank, and took the book saying she was going to call Gama to get the answers. I just love that my daughter loves family history this much.

So a whirlwind trip before the 10 12 hour trip home. Now, if we could only figure our how to make the driving shorter. Mike had one good trick, he made us leave really early Friday morning, so that we slept a few hours of it away (of course I always sleep the majority of it anyways)


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