Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Keeping busy in Hiebtown

The last two weeks have flown by. The middle boys both got to visit with their cousins in Colorado. They had a terrific time albeit got homesick and admitted to missing their mom very much, even shedding a tear or two. We missed them too, but I will say the volume of the house doubled the day they came home. We are all adjusting well to our new addition and the Keilah is happy to have a big sister. It's added some more running around to our life as we take her to visit friends, but they are willing to share the load.

The biggest change I foresee is having a child in the public school. This will be a new thing having to work around the school schedule. The hardest part will be the early start to the day. L isn't too excited about the start of school, but I think she'll do well.

We are excited about the start of PWOC, the women's group I belong too. The kids will get to see their friends and I'll be leading a class this fall. I'm excited and nervous about this new opportunity. We'll be using the book by Dee Brestin "Friendships of Women".

We still have no word on any moves, Mike's branch manager (the person who determines the assignments for all chaplain assistants) is retiring so we don't know how this will affect the "winter move to Germany" but Mike's supervisor is willing to work on Mike's behalf for his next assignment. They are meeting tomorrow and will discuss this more. But, as I have learned from many false alarms God will move us when He wants and where He wants as I heard another army wife say "God cuts the orders the army pays for it".

Thursday, July 10, 2008

new addition

First let me apologize for the delay since my last writing. It's been super busy we have been Vacation Bible Schooling, Baptizing, Camping in Chatanooga, visiting family and friends for Independence day and had a surprise addition to our family this week!

You know that Mike and I are wishing to adopt. Well, as we wait for our chilren, we decided to make ourselves useful and had our case transfered to knox that we may work as foster parents in the meantime.

We got our first placement this week. She's a delightful girl and we are all glad to have her as part of our family. No, I can't tell you why she's with us, nor do we know how long it will be. I didn't expect to become the mother of a teenager (she is 14) but it has been a blessing to us as I hope and think we have been a blessing to her. So, pray for us and our families. God knows what is needed and His provision has already been evident.

Now, backtracking, we had a great week of VBS. This year all of the kids got to participate and they loved it! The week ended with our chapel hosting an open swim party at the post water park. During the party, we took a break and Justus and I were baptized. Justus, because he recently made a confession of faith and I because I have no clear memory of baptism. I thought I'd been baptized as an infant. Mom, said no when you were confirmed. Actually her words where "what, it didn't take the first time?" But, it was a special day for both Justus and I. I am thankful he chose to share it with me.

Justus going under :)

Mom's Turn

OK, I need to run my teenager to a friend's. So I'll post later about the trip to chatanooga.

Including Pictures :)