Saturday, April 15, 2017

Spring in Daegu

Spring has been here for quite a few weeks in Daegu. When we were in the states I enjoyed pulling out decorations for throughout the house whenever the season changed. But, when you are limited on what you can move AND you know you'll be in a place for only one more year the seasonal decorating is dramatically reduced. However, I still find I need to do something. So here are this springs "little touches". Fabric is a very inexpensive purchase here, and I brought fabric with me that I feel must be used in order to justify having shipped them across an ocean! Most of the fabrics used here actually came with me across the ocean.  I've really enjoyed teaching myself how to install zippers for my pillow closures. It only takes a few more minutes and enhances the look tremendously. I'll be making another set for summer.

These rag wreaths are also super simple to make. 
I brought four wreath frames with me when I had to leave our others in storage so that I could do one for each season. By finding inexpensive doo-dads to tie on it adds an additional layer. After easter I'll take off the eggs, and let the spring colors speak for themselves.

I try to cut more than I'll need so that I can make a rag garland to hang over a book case or in this case the china cabinet. It brings a touch of spring that can easily be packed to go to our next home or left behind for someone else to enjoy, without remorse. 

Some dried flowers and very cute chicken dishes from Daiso add another festive touch.
Those little plates will definitely return to the states with me.

 Have to use every bit, some left over eggs, the last few pieces of fabric, 
and jelly beans bring a sweet touch of spring to this little corner.

 But, for all the spring color inside, nothing competes with the beautiful show put on by our creator.
The trees and flowers I've encountered here have been stunning. Especially the cherry blossoms. 
What a creative God we have. So please enjoy some of the spring flowers I've encountered here.

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