Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 26 & 27...Wow, almost a month and the cat's still alive

Yesterday was so calm and relaxing I totally forgot to post about it. What would there have been to say except, "I found my peace". For the months leading up to this deployment I would daily think about those I love and regardless of the frustrations at hand, I felt peace and joy. The kind that can only come from the Lord. Well with all the car frustrations and random difficulties I always found the blessings, but I misplaced my peace and joy. I wanted to stay home from church, and when you want to stay at home from church it only means one thing...get your butt to church. So I went and told the children's choir director that I wouldn't be able to help her that I NEEDED to be in Church. I almost got up when they dismissed the kids, but Praise Him I saw two mom's following them out. So I kept my butt planted. And I found my Peace and Joy again. They weren't ever really lost, I just needed to seriously focus on the source of it. We came home and spent the day here. It was so pretty I went outside to read and ended up cleaning up the backyard, which I actually enjoy doing, and daydreamed about our vegetable garden. The kids spent the whole day out playing with the neighbor's and we ended the day by reading some stories together. 12 Princesses by the Brother's Grimm, and The Yellow Ribbon, an American Folk story (in which the lady's head is held on by a yellow ribbon). The children were suitably surprised and grossed out.

Today was a busy monday, but not so much that you're left exhausted. We started the day by watching the two most adorable little girls on the planet. Went to our first Sticks class (which is a Phillipino form of martial arts). The instructor is just awesome and very interested in teaching people, especially kids and women, how to defend themselves. I decided that I'll begin Tae Kwon Do tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous, but excited at the same time. I think I have one friend talked into starting with me, that is if we can lift our arms tomorrow.

J had a make-up basketball team, and the teams were well matched. The final score was 7-4, but the way we were hooting you would have thought we'd won 70-4. I think a world record was set by turnovers for traveling between the two teams. Lot's of fun and I enjoy it when both teams have fun cheering the kids and joking around. Best of all the season ends Saturday. Of Course baseball starts a few weeks later, but I can live with it. K plans to start TKD when the season ends as well.

Now I'm home, the kids are showering and we're gettin' ready for tomorrow.

Oh, we did have one really suspenseful moment today. I realized around 10:30 that I hadn't seen Bad...all morning. I sent J to look for him, and he said he couldn't find him, and yes mom, I looked under the beds. So I went a looking. Just fearing that the cat would be dead and thinking what do I do with a dead cat? Where can I go to have him cremated? Fortunately, I found him, ALIVE. Where, you ask? Under my bed of course.


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