Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 7-woohoo one week down!

Oh my, I've done this for a whole week! Tuesday is one of or most favorite days of the week. Why you may ask, because Tuesday is when we go to PWOC. PWOC stands for Protestant Women of the Chapel, it's a non-denomenational women's group. It's held at just about every army post world wide and many of the airforce and navy bases. PWOC is phenomenal-it's an amazing opportunity for women to grow in the nurture and understanding of the Lord as well as to develop the spiritual gifts God has given them. It provids much needed adult time each week and my children get an opportunity to meet friends similar to them (I mean really, how many christian, homeschooled army brats are there in the world? I'd say it's a pretty small demographic) They look forward to it as much as I do.

God has grown me in ways I never expected through this group. Thanks to a beautiful lady last year who encouraged me, I'm now facilitating my 3rd study. I've grown in leadership skills and I've met some of the most amazing, godly women and developed friendships that I'll carry through life. One thing about this transient life, is that Heaven becomes that much sweeter. Because, I know that for some of the amazing ladies I've met along the path, Heaven will be the next time we see each other. Oh, what a joyful day that will be. If you're not excited about Heaven, I really recommend the book "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. He's one of my favorite authors and he has done an indepth scriptural look at heaven, and it is SO NOT the boring white cloudy place as depicted in popular culture.

Interesting, that's not where I planned on going with this post...but I guess God did.

I had another "Thank God" moment today. It was at the doc's office and I had to say "Thank God" I had such a classy mom that taught me to always be polite to service people even when on the inside I'm having a rapid fire internal dialogue talking myself down from the edge. I went today to pick up the kid's medical forms. When I arrived the lady behind the counter barely had time to talk to me and gave me one form back. When I said there are more, she shrugged her shoulders and said they aren't here. Then went back to her phone. Then she finally handed me a piece of paper and said in a clipped voice, "Write down the names and sponsor's social and I'll take it to the nurse."

The nurse saw me still standing and got me before she'd even seen the note and asked if I got the papers. She'd been very friendly when I dropped the papers off Wednesday and was very concerned the papers weren't there. Her own parents fostered, and she was so encouraging about our own goal. She took the time to go through every slot in the file thingy and then in every other cubby in her office. She looked up my information again and pulled the form. She was so apologetic and promised to call after she contacte another employee that was off to see if she might have it. And she did call, but didn't have the papers. She then gave me her email to send her the form so that I wouldn't have to come back to the hospital and promised to complete the papers again. She was so sweet that I felt bad for having such a nasty attitude earlier toward the other lady. (Mind you part of my internal dialogue earlier was people are more helpful when your nice). So, that was frustrating but, I guess that's just part of the testing that comes when you try to do anything big. I'm not sure how well I passed given all my nasty thoughts towards the lady behind the counter, but maybe next time I'll do a little better. Funny thing was our lesson today was on guilt and how we tend to repeat the same things over and over. I'd told the ladies we all felt so good, and I'd probably walk out and do something to be guilty over within 5 minutes. I thought it would be the kids, they thought it would be the dog, I guess Satan always hits us where we're not looking! I hope I'll do better with the next test.

The rest of the day was busy and I'm quite certain that one of the children did something funny that I thought "I've got to share this tonight" but for the life of me I can't think of it. So, thanks for reading again, and please consider sending stuff to Mike for the orphans. I love the verse in James: (my paraphrase): If you really love God care for the widows and orphans. (teehee, did that work for a guilt trip?) Blessings!


Anonymous said...

you go girl!!!!! your blogs are so neat, you have a special gift of expressing yourself by writing. I would encourage you to continue....and do what you do. I have posted Mike's request on my own facebook page for the contacts I have and have asked the ladies to further it on, and to their church. HOPEFULLY Mike will get a HUGE response!
well I guess thats "all I know", as my nanny would say.
We need and including Julie to go to lunch one day!

Tom Hieb said...
